
P.O. Box 1376
Monroe, GA 30655
(770) 267-3787

December 2013
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"Troubleshooting Hydraulics" Newsletter

In This Issue

1. Is My Reservoir Sized Properly?
2. Call GPM For Emergency Troubleshooting
3. Our NEW Accumulator Safety DVD
4. Is It Time For A Hydraulic Reliability Assessment At Your Plant?
5. Parts Changer or Troubleshooter? Take the Quiz!
6. 2014 Hands-On Public Reliability & Troubleshooting Workshops

1. Is My Reservoir Sized Properly?

A common rule of thumb for sizing a reservoir is that it should hold at least three times the rated flow of the pump. For instance, if your machine uses a 30 GPM pump, the reservoir should hold 90 gallons of oil. Typically, another ten percent is added to allow sufficient air space above the fluid to leave room for entrained air to exit the oil. For a lot of systems, this is a good design. Even under constant use, the oil gets to rest at least three minutes before cycling through the pump again. As long as ambient temperature is not unusually high, excess heat can be dissipated to atmosphere by radiation across the exterior surface area of the tank and enough volume is present so that high velocity oil from the return line comes to rest, allowing contaminants to settle and air bubbles in the oil to escape and ultimately exit through the breather.

This is a common design, but certainly not suitable for every conceivable system. Other factors must be taken into consideration. Many very large systems leave as much (or more) oil in the piping, manifolds and actuators as the reservoir holds. If the system drains when it is shut down, there must be room to hold this oil in the reservoir as well. Many systems use a check valve in the tank line to keep oil from draining back, but at some point components in the machine must be replaced, requiring at least a portion of the system to be drained. If the reservoir will not hold this additional oil, a procedure for collecting excess oil (without contaminating it) must be in place.

The bigger the system, the more we must take thermal expansion into consideration. Most mineral oil based industrial hydraulic fluids will expand approximately 0.06 cubic inches per cubic foot by volume for each Fahrenheit degree of temperature increase. In large systems, this can be substantial. More oil is required to extend a cylinder than to retract it. If your system has large or very many cylinders, oil level will change dramatically throughout a full machine cycle. Large accumulators may also affect oil levels. The last thing we would want is for the oil level to drop near or below the suction line of the pump and cause it to aerate.

While this all may suggest that bigger is better for reservoirs, the trend is actually toward making them smaller. Design objectives have changed over the years. Nowadays there are more requirements to save space, keep oil usage to a minimum and cut the overall cost of a system. Some measures can be taken to reduce the size of a reservoir. An efficient heat exchanger can eliminate the need for a very large reservoir, particularly when ambient temperatures are very high. Cooling a lot of oil in a high temperature environment by radiation alone can be impractical, particularly when considering the large amount of heat that can be generated by a hydraulic system. Even a very well designed machine that is properly adjusted and maintained can generate significant heat. Orifices, servo or proportional valves, pressure controls and even bends in the pipe - anything that causes the system to produce more power than is consumed by the load generates heat.

We determine reservoir size mostly by temperature. There must be enough surface area to dissipate heat to atmosphere if there is no heat exchanger. This is calculated by the following formula:

0.001 X Sq. Ft. Surface Area X Temperature Difference (F) Between Air and Oil

So, if we have 30 sq. ft. of surface area and a temperature difference of 50 degrees, we would calculate:

0.001 X 30 X 50 = 1.5 hp.

Since each horsepower equals 2,544 BTU/hr, we would radiate 3816 BTU/hr. We remember from school that one BTU is the heat required to raise one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. Fortunately, mineral oil has a specific heat of only about 40% that of water. So each BTU will reduce the temperature of one pound of mineral oil by 2.5 degrees. Since a gallon of mineral oil weighs about 7 pounds, it takes about 2.8 BTU's to lower each gallon of oil one degree Fahrenheit. In our example above, 25 gallons of oil would radiate enough heat to lower its temperature by about 3.4 degrees Fahrenheit in one hour.

When calculating surface area, remember to calculate only the area that is contacted by oil. Since a reservoir is never full to the brim, it will not radiate over its entire area. The area above the oil level radiates at only a negligible rate.

Finally, we must consider room to access internal components for servicing and cleaning. Many reservoirs are cramped and hard to maintain. The result is often that they are not cleaned or inspected as often as they should be.

When should this all be calculated? Naturally, this should be determined in the initial design phase, but experience shows that machines are often modified over the years. A higher flow pump, the addition of an accumulator, an extra hydraulic circuit or almost any other modification changes the thermal properties of the machine as well. Failing to consider how this affects the ability of the reservoir to accommodating the needs of the system can be expensive.

Al Smiley founded "GPM" in October of 1994. Al initially worked with a leading hydraulic distributor from 1977 to 1986. In 1987, his father Carl A. Smiley, Sr. hired Al to work with his company, Southeast Maintenance Consulting services. Since then he has taught and designed hydraulic troubleshooting programs for companies throughout the United States and Canada. Al does the technical writing for GPM's "In-Plant Troubleshooting Manuals". He is certified and registered with the Fluid Power Society as a Fluid Power Specialist. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from the University of Mississippi in 1977. He writes columns for Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Southern Lumberman, Canadian Wood Products and Papermill 360 magazines on hydraulic troubleshooting methods. Al is married with two boys and a granddaughter. He is a musician and an avid golfer..
2. Call GPM For Emergency Troubleshooting

Nothing is more expensive than unscheduled down time. GPM’s customers know they can call whenever they have a troubleshooting issue they simply can’t resolve. With over 75 years' experience dealing with hydraulic failures, our consultants have the resources to help troubleshoot whatever hydraulic problem you encounter. Whether you’re experiencing a total system outage, repeated component failure or need a professionally designed hydraulic reliability assessment, the consultants at GPM can help. Call GPM for:

  • In-plant Troubleshooting
  • Leakage Problems
  • Pressure Settings
  • Shock Problems
  • Hydraulic Reliability Assessments
  • Hydraulic Troubleshooting Manual Development
  • Startup Consulting and Recommendations
  • Heat Problems
  • Repeated Component Failures
  • Speed Problems

Do you want to learn more about how GPM can help you? Go to http://gpmhydraulic.com/troubleshooting.php.

Al - From the President's Desk
While many companies slow down this time of year, we’re still moving full steam ahead. 2013 has been the best year since the company’s inception in 1994. A special thanks to all of our valued friends and customers that made this possible! I completed the hydraulic survey for a sawmill in Grangeville, Idaho in mid November and we’re presently working on their customized hydraulic troubleshooting manual for their workshops in February. The week before Thanksgiving, I spent 3 days consulting with an OSB plant in Virginia on a wide variety of issues on their finishing line stacker, woodyard kickers and press hydraulics. While there I also performed a reliability assessment on several of their in plant systems. We’ve added a new Dodge Caravan to our fleet to accommodate our two newest consultants and instructors. We’re all looking forward to a busy and successful year in 2014. I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Where's Jack?
Since our last newsletter, I conducted a Maintenance Basic Hydraulic Troubleshooting workshop in St. Louis, made a consulting trip to a rolling mill in Kokomo, IN and taught a Troubleshooting Plywood Hydraulics workshop at a plywood mill in Florien, LA. We had a quiet Thanksgiving at home, getting some well-deserved rest! We've enjoyed a phenomenal year in 2013 and expect an even busier 2014. I hope everyone has been having a great holiday season and would like to wish all a Merry Christmas and a very happy and prosperous New Year!
Alan's Back Roads
Since the last newsletter I have spent an enormous amount of time on development of workshop manuals for upcoming classes - drafting and technical writing consuming most of my time. Nevertheless, I have made one trip to a power company in Sandersville, GA and am currently at a manufactured wood products mill in Inverness, Scotland performing a site survey for a future workshop. These were just a few of many backroads my GPM travels have carried me in the months of November and December of this year.
Following Hank
Since my last entry in the November newsletter I have conducted a Troubleshooting Sawmill Hydraulics workshop at a sawmill in Cottonton, AL and am currently teaching two back-to-back Maintenance Basic Hydraulic Troubleshooting workshops in El Dorado, AR. Over the Thanksgiving week we took vacation and went on a very nice cruise. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!
Bacon-wrapped Pork Loin w/Cherries

1 2-pound piece boneless pork loin
1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
black pepper
1/2 cup dried cherries, chopped
1/2 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped
1 tablespoon whole-grain mustard
6 slices bacon
1 tablespoon currant jelly
1 teaspoon red wine vinegar

Heat oven to 350. Season the pork with the allspice and 1/2 teaspoon pepper and place on a rimmed baking sheet. In a small bowl, combine the cherries, parsley, and mustard. Spread evenly over the pork. Lay the bacon slices crosswise over the pork, overlapping them slightly and tucking the ends underneath. Roast for 45 minutes. In a small bowl, combine the jelly and vinegar. Brush over the bacon and continue roasting until bacon is crispy, about 10 to 15 minutes more. Let rest at least 10 minutes and slice into half-inch slices.

Chris's Blog
The past two months I have had the opportunity to travel to many exciting places and teach our Maintenance Basic Hydraulic Troubleshooting class. I’ll start with traveling to Georgetown, SC. I had the opportunity to meet some great people in Georgetown and I had a really good class. Georgetown is a beautiful place and it’s was right on the ocean so it made for an interesting trip. The next class was in St. Louis, MO where I taught two of our basic classes and got to meet more great people. I had never been to St. Louis before and it was an incredible city. When I flew back in to Atlanta I got up the next morning and flew out to Portland, OR for my next class. While in Oregon I traveled to Eugene to teach our Hydraulic Reliability and Troubleshooting class to a group of very intelligent people. The class went great and when I was done with that class I traveled north to Philomath, OR to teach our basic class to another group of guys. While in Oregon I went to the beautiful coast that everybody was raving about. I was not disappointed. Oregon is an incredible state and its coast is like none other. It was a lot different from the east coast where I’m accustomed to going. When I got back from Oregon I was home for Thanksgiving week, then back on the road traveling to Granite City, IL. I was there to help the plant flush one of their systems that had an extremely high count of water in it. I was there for four days but we got the system flushed and the water out of that machine. I left straight from Granite City and traveled to Jefferson, TX to teach another basic class to an OSB mill there. The class went really well and everyone said they enjoyed it. They were really a great bunch of guys there and they really support what we do. When I was done with the class I was on my way back home to Monroe, GA where I could come back and share my adventures with all my coworkers. This year is almost up and it doesn’t look like I’m going to be teaching any classes the rest of the year. It has been an exciting and adventurous year and I can’t wait to see what next year has in store for me. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Until next time, everybody.
3. Our NEW Accumulator Safety DVD

Some of you may be aware that our Accumulator Safety DVD What You Don't Know About Accumulators CAN KILL YOU! had to be pulled from our shelves because of audio problems in the master. It was impossible to repair, so the DVD had to be remade from the ground up. Naturally this took us quite a while, but we are pleased to announce that it is again available with all new footage and packed with even more valuable accumulator safety information than before!. If you only buy one safety training aid this year, this should be it. The single most dangerous component on any hydraulic machine is made easy to understand in this DVD. In this two hour DVD is included:

  • What Accumulators Do
  • Pre-charging an Accumulator
  • Piston Accumulators
  • Bladder Accumulators
  • Safely Replacing a Bladder
  • Accumulators Used with Fixed Displacement Pumps
  • Accumulator Dump Valves
  • Accumulators Used for Shock
  • Accumulator Safety
  • Operators and technicians alike, anyone who works on or around a machine with an accumulator should see this DVD. It could make the difference between working safely and serious injury or DEATH!

    CLICK HERE to learn more and order securely online or call Robin at (770) 267-3787.

    4. Is It Time For A Hydraulic Reliability Assessment At Your Plant?

    The only preventive maintenance and reliability functions that most plants perform is to change the filters regularly and to check the oil level. When the machine fails, there is little or no information about the system to refer to when troubleshooting. Our consultant will first perform a customized Reliability Assessment on each of your in plant machines. You will receive a Reliability Report on each system with recommendations for immediately improving the system operation, shock, heat, leakage, speeds, etc. You will also be provided with a Reliability and Preventive Maintenance Schedule that can be used to check the condition of the system on a regular basis, reducing un-scheduled downtime. The recorded information will also provide a valuable reference for troubleshooting if a failure of the machine should occur. Pictures will be included throughout the report to identify the reliability test points in the system. The Assessment will be conducted while the machine is operating and will include the following:

    • Testing of the pump(s) to determine if the proper volume is being delivered to the system. By making this test regularly the pump can be replaced on a down day and not when it fails and interrupts production.
    • Checking the accumulators to make sure they are properly pre-charged which is necessary to achieve the desired speed to maintain production.
    • On any given hydraulic system, there should be some lines that are hot (above 130 degrees), warm (100-130 degrees), and cool or at ambient temperature. By checking the temperature of these lines on a regular basis a component failure can be found before the system fails completely.
    • One of the main issues in a hydraulic system is leakage. One drop of oil that drips once per second will lose 405 gallons a year. If leakage is occurring there is a reason for it. Our consultant will identify the cause of the leak and recommend the necessary fix to prevent it from occurring in the future.
    • One of the biggest problems in systems today is that the pressures are out of adjustment which causes excessive force, heat, leakage and wasted electrical energy. Our consultant will identify any pressure setting issues and many times correct them during the assessment.
    • Check to verify that the pipe and tubing clamps are properly spaced and are of the proper type.
      Make sure that the hoses are properly installed to prevent pre-mature failure and oil loss.
    • Check the condition of the filters if a visual or electrical indicator is available.
    • Verify that the air and water heat exchangers are operating properly to reduce the oil temperature to an acceptable level. If the oil temperature is above 140 degrees then oil will start breaking down causing sludge and varnish in the system.  
    • Check the condition of the breather cap and recommend a maintenance schedule.
    • Sound checks to determine pump cavitation, aeration or valves bypassing in the system.

    Call (770) 267-3787 to schedule your Reliability Assessment.

    5. Take the Quiz!

    Our Online Hydraulic Quiz

    If you are wondering if you or your maintenance techs should attend our basic class prior to attending a customized machine specific workshop, our online quiz can tell you quickly. A score of less than 80% suggests that our Maintenance Basic Hydraulic Troubleshooting workshop would save you downtime and better prepare you or your staff for the advanced workshop. Or maybe you have already attended one of our workshops and would like to see how much you have learned. Either way, you should find our Online Hydraulic Quiz revealing and well worth your time.
    6. 2014 Hands-On Public Reliability & Troubleshooting Workshops

    Dates Locations/font>
    January 21st – 23rd
    Greensboro, NC
    January 28th –30th
    Madison, GA
    February 4th – 6th
    Spartanburg, SC
    February 11th – 13th
    Pine Bluff, AR
    February 18th – 20th
    Lebanon, TN
    February 25th – 27th
    Rocky Mount, NC
    March 4th – 6th
    Decatur, AL
    March 11th – 13th
    Ruston, LA
    March 18th – 20th
    Bemidji, MN
    (Our Mobile Lab will not be available for this location only. Cutaway pumps and valves will be used for hands on training)
    March 25th – 27th
    Texarkana, TX
    April 1st – 4th
    Monroe, GA
    April 8th – 10th
    Jackson, MS
    April 15th – 17th
    Savannah, GA
    April 22nd – 24th
    Evergreen, AL
    April 29th – May 1st
    Augusta, GA
    May 6th – 8th
    Greenville, SC
    May 13th – 15th
    Laurel, MS
    May 20th – 22nd
    Dothan, AL
    May 27th – 29th
    Gainesville, FL
    June 3rd – 5th
    Fort Smith, AR
    June 10th – 12th
    Eugene, OR
    (Our Mobile Lab will not be available for this location only. Cutaway pumps and valves will be used for hands on training)
    June 24th - 26th
    Roanoke Rapids, NC
    July 8th – 19th
    Macon, GA
    July 22nd – 24th
    Montgomery, AL
    July 29th – 31st
    Eldorado, AR
    Aug 5th – 7th
    Camden, SC
    August 13th – 15th
    Bradford, PA
    >August 18th – 20th
    Lynchburg, VA
    August 26th – 28th
    Fayetteville, NC
    September 2nd – 4th
    Cordele, GA
    September 9thth – 11th
    Tupelo, MS
    September 16th – 18th
    Jacksonville, FL
    October 7th – 9th
    Russellville, AR
    October 14th – 16th
    LaGrange, GA
    October 21st – 23rd
    Tuscaloosa, AL
    October 29th – 31st
    Denton, TX
    November 3rd – 5th
    Bossier City, LA
    November 11th – 13th
    Summerville, SC
    November 18th – 20th
    Blytheville, AR
    December 2nd – 4th
    Florence, SC
    December 9th – 11th
    Clinton, SC
    December 16th – 18th
    Tampa, FL
    Don't see your town listed? Call us, we'll try to schedule a workshop near you!