
P.O. Box 1376
Monroe, GA 30655
(770) 267-3787
April 2013
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"Troubleshooting Hydraulics" Newsletter

There are still spaces available in our 3-Day Hands-On Hydraulic Reliability and Troubleshooting Workshop in Conyers, GA (Metro Atlanta Area) on April 23rd - 25th. Other workshop dates and locations are listed later in the Newsletter
Click Here to view a brief video about our 3-day workshop
In This Issue

1. Proportional Valves- What You Can't See Can Cost You
2. Call GPM For Emergency Troubleshooting
3. Why is the Suction Port Bigger than the Pressure Port?
4. Is It Time For A Hydraulic Reliability Assessment At Your Plant?
5. Take the Quiz!
6. 2013 Hands-On Public Reliability & Troubleshooting Workshops

1. Proportional Valves- What You Can't See Can Cost You

After teaching a Troubleshooting Proportional Valves course recently a student told of a problem that occurred at his sawmill — a problem that ended up costing $96,000! He said that the bed lift cylinder on the Chip-N-Saw infeed had stopped operating. He then replaced the proportional valve with exactly the same part number as the original valve on the machine. When that didn't solve the problem several other components were changed in the system. He said, "If I would have known six months ago what I learned today, I could have saved my plant eight hours of downtime. The cost of our downtime is $12,000 per hour."

What he had learned that day was that on the proportional valve, the small threaded plugs had to be removed before installing the valve on the machine. The valve in question is known as a two-stage type valve (Figure 1). The valve requires both electrical power and hydraulic pilot pressure in order to operate. The purpose of the pilot valve (located on top) is to direct pilot pressure to the main valve spool. The pilot pressure can come from an internal passage inside the valve or from an external source.

Approximately 118PSI is required to overcome the springs in the valve housing to shift the main valve spool. In the schematic shown in Figure 2 notice that the pilot ptessure plug is located between the inlet line of the main valve and the pressure port of the pilot valve. When the plug is installed, pilot pressure must come from an external source and be supplied into the "X" port. Once the pilot valve spool is shifted into the straight arrows ("A" position) or crossed arrows ("B" position), oil will be directed to one end of the main valve spool. When valves are externally piloted a separate pump is many times used to supply the pilot fluid with a maximum pressure of approximately 200PSI. Another method is to use a pressure reducing valve connected from the main pump line to supply oil to the "X" port. By using a lower pressure to shift the spool, shock and wear on the valve is reduced.

In the cutaway shown in Figure 3, the pilot plug is located in an internal passage inside the main spool housing. If there is no pilot line connected to the "X" port then the main spool will not move when the pilot valve spool is shifted. This means that the valve must be converted from an externally to internally piloted valve. This is done by removing the pilot valve and removing the threaded plug. The plugs are usually metric so metric allen head wrenches will be required. Removing the plug hydraulically connects the oil at the "P" port of the main spool, through the valve body, to the "P" port of the pilot valve. The other plug found in the valve is in the drain line (Figure 4). When the pilot valve directs pilot pressure to one end of the main spool, the oil on the opposite side of the spool must be ported through the pilot valve and back to tank. When the pipe plug is installed, the drain flow is blocked to the "T" port passage of the main valve. Therefore, the oil must flow out of the "Y" port and back to tank.

In Figure 5, the location of the drain plug is shown inside the main spool housing. Valves are externally drained when high flow surges exist in the system return line. Any backpressure in the return line can affect the shifting of the main spool. If there is no line connected from the "Y" port of the valve back to the tank, then the main spool will not shift. To convert the valve from an external to an internal pilot, the drain line plug must be taken out. The pilot valve must be removed to access the drain plug (Figure 5). The oil that exhausts out of one end of the main spool can then flow through the pilot valve and back into the internal tank passage of the main spool.

With both plugs removed (Figure 6), the valve is configured for an internally piloted and drained valve. Most of these type proportional valves that are used in the industry are of this configuration. The OEM will remove the plugs before installing the valves in the system. In most cases, the part number is NOT changed. So, when the mechanic or electrician changes the valve, many times the plugs are not removed and the machine will not operate.

Another problem can occur when sending the original valve back for repair. When the valve is received at the repair shop, if the part number designates that the valve is externally pilot and drained, the pipe plugs are installed back in the valve. To prevent this from occurring, there are two options: First, order the valve with the part number that indicates the valve is internally piloted and drained (plugs removed). The second option is to make sure everyone in the maintenance department knows to remove the pipe plugs prior to installation. The first option is better.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6
C.A. (Al) Smiley, Jr. founded "GPM" in October of 1994. Al initially worked with a leading hydraulic distributor from 1977 to 1986. In 1987, his father Carl A. Smiley, Sr. hired Al to work with his company, Southeast Maintenance Consulting Services. Since then he has taught and designed hydraulic troubleshooting programs for companies throughout the United States and Canada. Al does the technical writing for GPM's "In-Plant Troubleshooting Manuals". He is certified and registered with the Fluid Power Society as a Fluid Power Specialist. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from the University of Mississippi in 1977. He writes columns for Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Southern Lumberman, Canadian Wood Products and Papermill 360 magazines on hydraulic troubleshooting methods. Al is married with two boys and a granddaughter. He is a musician and an avid golfer.
2. Call GPM For Emergency Troubleshooting

Nothing is more expensive than unscheduled down time. GPM’s customers know they can call whenever they have a troubleshooting issue they simply can’t resolve. With over 75 years' experience dealing with hydraulic failures, our consultants have the resources to help troubleshoot whatever hydraulic problem you encounter. Whether you’re experiencing a total system outage, repeated component failure or need a professionally designed hydraulic reliability assessment, the consultants at GPM can help. Call GPM for:

  • In-plant Troubleshooting
  • Leakage Problems
  • Pressure Settings
  • Shock Problems
  • Hydraulic Reliability Assessments
  • Hydraulic Troubleshooting Manual Development
  • Startup Consulting and Recommendations
  • Heat Problems
  • Repeated Component Failures
  • Speed Problems

Do you want to learn more about how GPM can help you? Go to http://gpmhydraulic.com/troubleshooting.php.

Al - From the President's Desk
With the housing market and paper industry doing well, we’ve had a very profitable first quarter. Hank has completed our instructor training program and has received extremely good comments on the workshops he taught in March. Chris is scheduled to complete the program by August so be expecting to see him on the road soon. Alan and Jack continue to do a superior job in the teaching of our “Troubleshooting In Plant Hydraulics” workshops traveling to plants across the country and in Canada. We’ve recently purchased an infrared camera which has become a useful tool on our consulting jobs and reliability assessments. Next up is a proportional valve test box also for use on our consulting jobs. I’ve been on the road traveling to a plywood mill and spring manufacturing plant in South Carolina and performing a reliability assessment at a papermill in Tennessee. I’m just getting over a 10 day bout with the flu so glad to be back to work and at it again. Thank you to everyone who has supported GPM this year and we look forward to hopefully seeing you later this year!
Where's Jack?
Since the last newsletter, I have traveled to Pennsylvania to teach a troubleshooting class at a paper mill, taught a Hydraulic Reliability and Troubleshooting workshop in North Carolina with Chris, a Troubleshooting OSB Hydraulics class in Virginia, made a visit to a sawmill in South Carolina and taught a public workshop in Laurel, MS. Between classes, I have made a couple of consulting calls, one to a paper mill in Fernandina Beach, FL and another to a sawmill in Warrenton, GA. The balance of my time has been spent developing programs, marketing, website maintenance and various other tasks. I'm looking forward to vacation later this month!
Alan's Back Roads
In the past two months I taught a basic and advanced hydraulic course for a large wood products manufacturer in Edson Alberta ca, a troubleshooting papermill hydraulics course in Johnsonburg PA, a basic hydraulic course for a plywood mill in Emporia VA and a Hydraulic Reliability and Troubleshooting public seminar in Greenville SC. While at the GPM headquarters in between seminars, I kept myself plenty busy developing customized training manuals for upcoming training. This was just a few of many backroads my GPM travels carried me to in February and March of this year. I am definitely looking forward to the warmer months so I can concentrate on my fishing habit.
Following Hank
February kept me in the office more than usual with drafting, manual development and technical writing. I started March with a trip to an OSB mill in Nacogdoches, Texas to teach a Hydraulic Reliability and Troubleshooting class. The following week kept me closer to home with a couple of consulting trips to an automotive parts manufacturer in Lavonia, Georgia. I spent March 20th to March 22nd teaching a Maintenance Basic Hydraulic Troubleshooting course at a plywood mill in Chester, South Carolina. The last few days of march were spent doing consulting work for a sawmill in McComb, MS. I’m looking forward to more training and consulting opportunities in the coming months!
Barbecue Sauce Recipe

1/2 c. ketchup
2 tbsp. cider vinegar
2 tbsp. maple syrup
2 tbsp. grated onion
2 tsp. prepared mustard
1/2 tsp garlic salt or 1 tsp fresh crushed garlic
1/2 tsp. ground thyme
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
Mix it all together and brush it on the meat in the last 10 minutes or so on the grill

Chris's Blog
The months of February and March were busy months for me. I had the opportunity the travel to several plants such as UPM Raflatac in Fletcher, NC and others as well as do a public seminar in Greenville, SC and teach a few sections in our Maintenance Basic Hydraulic Troubleshooting Class with Jack Weeks. When I wasn’t on the road I was in the office doing drafting for a number of companies. I have also put together many troubleshooting manuals and developed power point presentations for our advanced training classes. Every day at GPM is a learning experience and I have had the opportunity to travel to many places and meet a lot of great people. I expect to continue gaining knowledge and becoming one of the best instructors and hydraulic experts out there.
3. Why is the Suction Port Bigger than the Pressure Port?

I have been asked literally hundreds of times both in workshops and on consulting visits why the suction port of a hydraulic pump is always so much bigger than the pressure port. Well, to begin with, the suction port ISN'T always bigger than the pressure port - on hydrostatic pumps, both are usually the same size. But we'll address that shortly.

The suction line of a pump must be sized such that the fluid velocity in the suction line is kept between 2 and 5 feet per second. Low fluid velocity is rarely a problem in hydraulic machines. While it is true that low fluid velocity can cause deposits, fouling and corrosion, pipes and hoses would have to be considerably too large for this to become an issue. But high fluid velocity causes heat and turbulence issues in pressure and return lines and, in a pump suction line, high fluid velocity can cause cavitation.

Why is this? Because fluid velocity affects pressure. The lower the velocity, the higher the pressure. In a pump suction line, pressure is below that of atmospheric pressure (14.7 PSI at sea level, or 1 Bar). Hydraulic pumps are positive displacement devices, i.e., a very specific amount of fluid is delivered with each turn of the shaft. This is because of the extremely tight tolerances of the pump (usually no more than .0002-.0003"). Thus, if the pump is trying to deliver more oil than it can get into its suction line, the suction pressure will drop VERY low. Air molecules actually collapse and implode when this is extreme. The violent implosions cause serious damage in time. The steady, high pitched whining sound this process makes is the defining characteristic of cavitation.

But what does the size of the suction line have to do with the fluid velocity? Fluid velocity is inversely proportional to the diameter of the pipe or hose. In other words, fluid velocity is equal to the rate of flow divided by the surface area of a cross section of the suction line. Attendees of our Hydraulic Reliability and Troubleshooting Workshop may recognize that as the formula used to determine cylinder speed, which of course would be equal to the fluid velocity inside the cylinder.

OK, so that explains why the suction port is big, but why should the pressure port be small? One reason is because it doesn't have to be big. Another is because it allows for more material around the port to withstand the greater force against it. This keeps the pump from cracking under the stress of high pressure at the port.

Some of you may be asking, "What about a hydrostatic (bi-directional) pump?" Yes, this is the exception to the rule. Since the hydrostatic pump can stroke from either port, then either one could be the pressure port or the suction port depending upon how the pump is stroked. Both ports are therefore the same size on the hydrostatic pump.

Suction Port is Larger than Pressure Port on the Pump Above

Both Ports are the Same Size on the Hydrostatic Pump
Jack Weeks entered GPM’s organization in January of 1997 as a CAD draftsman and hydraulic instructor. He has trained thousands of electricians and mechanics in Hydraulic Troubleshooting methods. His computerized animations have made GPM's presentations and training CD's the recognized leader in the industry. He received his education from the Georgia Institute of Technology School of Electrical Engineering and the Department of State Foreign Service Institute. Jack is an experienced draftsman and taught telecommunications equipment operation and repair for the Central Intelligence Agency at American embassies overseas.
4. Is It Time For A Hydraulic Reliability Assessment At Your Plant?

The only preventive maintenance and reliability functions that most plants perform is to change the filters regularly and to check the oil level. When the machine fails, there is little or no information about the system to refer to when troubleshooting. Our consultant will first perform a customized Reliability Assessment on each of your in plant machines. You will receive a Reliability Report on each system with recommendations for immediately improving the system operation, shock, heat, leakage, speeds, etc. You will also be provided with a Reliability and Preventive Maintenance Schedule that can be used to check the condition of the system on a regular basis, reducing un-scheduled downtime. The recorded information will also provide a valuable reference for troubleshooting if a failure of the machine should occur. Pictures will be included throughout the report to identify the reliability test points in the system. The Assessment will be conducted while the machine is operating and will include the following:

  • Testing of the pump(s) to determine if the proper volume is being delivered to the system. By making this test regularly the pump can be replaced on a down day and not when it fails and interrupts production.
  • Checking the accumulators to make sure they are properly pre-charged which is necessary to achieve the desired speed to maintain production.
  • On any given hydraulic system, there should be some lines that are hot (above 130 degrees), warm (100-130 degrees), and cool or at ambient temperature. By checking the temperature of these lines on a regular basis a component failure can be found before the system fails completely.
  • One of the main issues in a hydraulic system is leakage. One drop of oil that drips once per second will lose 405 gallons a year. If leakage is occurring there is a reason for it. Our consultant will identify the cause of the leak and recommend the necessary fix to prevent it from occurring in the future.
  • One of the biggest problems in systems today is that the pressures are out of adjustment which causes excessive force, heat, leakage and wasted electrical energy. Our consultant will identify any pressure setting issues and many times correct them during the assessment.
  • Check to verify that the pipe and tubing clamps are properly spaced and are of the proper type.
    Make sure that the hoses are properly installed to prevent pre-mature failure and oil loss.
  • Check the condition of the filters if a visual or electrical indicator is available.
  • Verify that the air and water heat exchangers are operating properly to reduce the oil temperature to an acceptable level. If the oil temperature is above 140 degrees then oil will start breaking down causing sludge and varnish in the system.  
  • Check the condition of the breather cap and recommend a maintenance schedule.
  • Sound checks to determine pump cavitation, aeration or valves bypassing in the system.

Call (770) 267-3787 to schedule your Reliability Assessment.

5. Take the Quiz!

Our Online Hydraulic Quiz

If you are wondering if you or your maintenace techs should attend our basic class prior to attending a customized machine specific workshop, our online quiz can tell you quickly. A score of less than 80% suggests that our Maintenance Basic Hydraulic Troubleshooting workshop would save you downtime and better prepare you or your staff for the advanced workshop. Or maybe you have already attended one of our workshops and would like to see how much you have learned. Either way, you should find our Online Hydraulic Quiz revealing and well worth your time.
6. 2013 Hands-On Public Reliability & Troubleshooting Workshops

2013 - 3 day Hydraulic Reliability & Troubleshooting Schedule
Dates Locations
April 23rd – 25th
Conyers, GA
May 1st – 3rd
Springfield, MO
May 6th – 8th
Eldorado, AR
May 14th – 16th
Summerville, SC
May 21st – 23rd
Greensboro, NC
August 21st – 23rd
Austin, TX
August 26th – 28th
Pensacola, FL
September 10th - 12th
Vicksburg, MS
September 17th – 19th
Decatur, AL
October 8th – 10th
Jackson, TN
Don't see your town listed? Call us, we'll try to schedule a workshop near you!